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First Generation Rams

Angelo students at a sporting event
Posted about 5 years ago  in First Year Families .

Encouraging Rams to be the first in their family to graduate from college.

Program Goals

  • Educate
  • Mentor
  • Graduate

About the Program

We help students who will be the first in their family to graduate from college. The purpose of the program is to help them make a smooth transition from high school to college life as well as get adjusted to Angelo State University and San Angelo.

The program helps track students’ academic progress and addresses any needs that arise so they stay on the path to graduation. We promote campus involvement and encourage participation at campus events and activities.

Students have the opportunity to be paired with a mentor and have one-on-one or group meetings with the program coordinator. Student workshops are also held periodically to provide more information on academic success topics.

Learn more!

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